The Association
Nonprofit Organization
The Flint Pond Improvement Association [FPIA] was formed on July 9, 1957 as a New Hampshire Domestic Nonprofit Corporation for the stewardship of Flints Pond and surroundings. The association continues its efforts today as a US Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations to the organization may be tax deductible in accordance with IRS rules.
What We Do
The FPIA provides vital financial resources and volunteer efforts to carry out environmental monitoring, maintenance, and restoration efforts for Flints Pond. We work with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES); FPIA members participate in the Volunteer Lake Assessment Program (VLAP), measuring critical pond health metrics, and the Weed Watcher program, monitoring for the presence of aquatic invasive plants.
Based on recommendations from DES, the FPIA takes action to maintain a healthy environment for Flints Pond and the surrounding watershed.
Invasive Aquatics
Like many lakes in New Hampshire, Flints Pond is the unfortunate host to Variable Milfoil, an invasive aquatic weed. Variable Milfoil grows quickly and reproduces through fragmentation, alowing it to spread easily and making it very difficult to control. If left unchecked Variable Milfoil will displace beneficial native plants, creating a monoculture that disrupts the local ecosystem.
The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services maintains a Long-Term Variable Milfoil Management Plan for Flints Pond which includes recommended control methods such as hand-pulling and herbicide treatment. Throughout the summer, volunteers check the pond for Variable Milfoil and mark locations of plant growth. The FPIA contracts with New Hampshire Certified Weed Control divers to remove the plants to keep the infestation under control.
In years where the infestation has spread beyond effective hand management, herbicide treatment may be recommended. The FPIA contracts with aquatic management companies and provides local support for the treatments.
Water Quality Monitoring
New Hampshire has over 800 public lakes and pond and depends on volunteers to gather the data necessary for monitoring water quality throughout the state. The FPIA participates in the Volunteer Lake Assessment Program (VLAP), providing volunteers, equipment, and financial support for water quality testing. Data is provided to state biologists and town officials to monitor pond health and make decisions regarding the future of Flints Pond.